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Texas Storm Damage Lawsuits

Most Recent Texas Tropical Storms and Hurricanes:

  • Hurricane Beryl (August 2024)
    • Category: Category 1 hurricane at landfall.
    • Landfall Location: Coastal areas of South Texas, including parts of the Corpus Christi region.
    • Impact: Significant wind and rain effects leading to power outages, coastal flooding, and damage to infrastructure.
    • Damage: Preliminary estimates suggest moderate to severe damage in affected areas, with early reports indicating potential damage costs in the range of $500 million to $1 billion.
  • Tropical Storm Alberto (August 2024)
    • Formation: Developed in the Gulf of Mexico.
    • Landfall: Made landfall in South Texas, impacting areas such as the Rio Grande Valley and surrounding coastal regions.
    • Impact: Brought heavy rainfall, strong winds, and localized flooding to Texas.
    • Damage: Preliminary reports indicate moderate flooding and wind damage, particularly in coastal and low-lying areas. Estimated damage costs are still being assessed but are expected to be in the range of several hundred million dollars.
  • Tropical Storm Harold (August 2023)
    • Formation: Developed in the Gulf of Mexico.
    • Landfall: Made landfall in South Texas on August 22, 2023, affecting areas like the Coastal Bend and Rio Grande Valley.
    • Impact: Brought heavy rains, strong winds, and coastal flooding. Areas experienced localized flooding, power outages, and minor infrastructure damage.
    • Damage: Estimated damages were relatively moderate compared to major hurricanes, with preliminary costs in the range of tens of millions to a few hundred million dollars. The storm caused significant rainfall, which led to flooding in some communities.
  • Tropical Storm Harvey (August 2023)

    • Impact: Significant rainfall and localized flooding in Houston.
    • Damage: Limited widespread damage compared to Hurricane Harvey (2017).
  • Hurricane Nicholas (September 2021)

    • Impact: Heavy rainfall leading to flooding in Houston and surrounding areas.
    • Damage: Estimated around $1 billion.
  • Hurricane Laura (August 2020)

    • Impact: Significant damage in eastern Texas, though primarily affected Louisiana.
    • Damage: Estimated around $19 billion.
  • Hurricane Beta (September 2020)

    • Impact: Heavy rains and flooding, especially in southeastern Texas.
    • Damage: Estimated around $1 billion.

Was your Texas home damaged from a storm or hurricane? Don't let your insurance company underpay you! Speak to an attorney today to discuss your options for getting additional potential compensation.

We all know the power of Texas storms. One minute life is normal, the next, your home is damaged, and you're facing a mountain of repairs. It's a stressful time, made worse when insurance companies offer lowball settlements or deny claims outright.

But you don't have to face this alone. You have rights. At Injury Claims, we connect you with experienced attorneys who will stand up to the insurance companies and make sure you get the compensation you deserve to rebuild your life after facing Texas storm damage.


Are Storms Common in Texas?

Let's face it, Texans know a thing or two about wild weather. From hailstorms to hurricanes, we've seen it all. And unfortunately, the damage these storms leave behind can be heartbreaking – and expensive.

Did you know that Texas actually leads the nation in major hail events? It's true. These storms cause around a billion dollars in Texas storm damage every year across the U.S., and a single hailstorm in San Antonio a few years back racked up a j$1.4 billion in insurance claims alone.

If you've ever been caught in a Texas hailstorm, you know how scary it can be. Those icy missiles, some the size of softballs, come crashing down with incredible force, leaving dents, cracks, and shattered glass in their wake. And sometimes, the damage isn't even obvious at first – hidden leaks or structural weaknesses can cause problems long after the storm has passed.

It's important to remember that hailstorms are just one of many severe weather events that can impact Texas properties. Some of the most common types of storms that result in significant property storm damage in Texas include:

  • Hailstorms
  • Windstorms
  • Hurricanes
  • Tornadoes
  • Floods

Is There More to Your Storm Damage Than Meets the Eye?

Beyond the visible destruction, Texas storms often cause hidden damage that only trained professionals can detect. A leaky roof might seem minor, but it can lead to mold, structural issues, and health problems down the line. And insurance companies may try to downplay these long-term costs to avoid paying what you truly deserve for Texas storm damage.

Whether your home in Houston was battered by hurricane winds, your San Antonio storefront was pummeled by hail, or your Dallas backyard was flooded, the impact of storm damage goes far beyond the initial cleanup. Property storm damage in Texas can be disruptive and expensive to repair, affecting both businesses and residential properties. You deserve full compensation for all losses, present and future.


Don't Let Insurance Companies Shortchange You After the Storm

We get it. Insurance companies are businesses, not charities. Their goal is to protect their profits, even if it means giving you less than you deserve after a storm damages your home. They have whole teams dedicated to minimizing payouts, but you don't have to just accept their lowball offers.

A qualified Texas storm damage lawyer knows all the tricks insurance companies try to pull. They'll fight for you, digging deep into your claim, finding every bit of damage—even the stuff hidden from plain sight—and then going toe-to-toe with the insurance company to get you what's rightfully yours. And if the insurance company still refuses to be fair? Your lawyer is ready to file a storm damage lawsuit and take them to court to make them pay up.

Texans are tough, we weather storms all the time. But dealing with a difficult insurance company on top of storm damage? That's just adding insult to injury. Let Injury Claims connect you with an experienced Texas storm damage attorney who will stand by your side and fight for your rights.

You deserve to recover and rebuild. Don't let the insurance company stand in your way. Contact us today for a free case review, and let's get you the justice you deserve.


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