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Silent Threat: Asbestos Exposure and Your Rights

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Decades After Its Dangers Were Known, Asbestos Continues to Cause Cancer. Learn How You Can Seek Justice.

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Asbestos. A name synonymous with strength and heat resistance. But beneath that facade lies a terrifying truth: a silent killer that continues to claim lives decades after exposure. You might be surprised to learn this deadly material is still present in our world,  imported and used in various products.

The "ban" on asbestos? It's riddled with loopholes. Over 114 metric tons of chrysotile asbestos, a particularly hazardous type, entered the U.S. in just the first three months of 2022! This asbestos finds its way into building materials like corrugated roofing, posing a constant threat.

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The National Institutes of Health paint a grim picture. While safety measures may have lessened the chances of new exposure, chrysotile remains "extremely hazardous." Studies irrefutably link it to lung cancer, the aggressive mesothelioma, and a range of other cancers.

Despite tireless efforts from lawmakers, lobbyists, and consumers, asbestos persists. Thousands of Americans fall victim to asbestos-related diseases annually. It's a chilling reality.

But there is hope.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with lung cancer or mesothelioma and suspect asbestos exposure, legal options exist. Here are two key avenues for seeking compensation:

  • Lawsuits:  Hold companies responsible for your exposure. Recent cases like the South Carolina widow awarded $1.75 million for her husband's asbestos-related mesothelioma demonstrate the potential to recover for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. These lawsuits can target manufacturers,  suppliers of asbestos products, or even employers who failed to provide proper protection.

  • Asbestos Trust Funds: Established by bankrupt asbestos companies, these funds offer financial compensation to victims. Navigating these funds can be complex, and an experienced attorney can be invaluable in determining eligibility and filing claims.

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Your options extend beyond lawsuits

Depending on your situation, additional resources may be available:

  • Veterans' Administration Benefits: Veterans exposed to asbestos during their service may qualify for VA benefits.

  • Multiple Trust Funds: Exposure from multiple companies? You may be able to file claims with different trust funds, potentially maximizing your compensation.  An attorney can guide you through this process.

Justice prevails in landmark cases

Recent lawsuits highlight the ongoing fight for asbestos victims and the ever-widening scope of potential exposure sources:

  • $23 Million Verdict Upheld in New York: An appeals court upheld a significant jury award for a steamfitter who developed mesothelioma from workplace asbestos exposure. This case held the companies accountable, even decades later.

  • Lawsuit Against Cosmetic Companies: A groundbreaking lawsuit accuses major cosmetic brands of selling asbestos-tainted talcum powder, linking it to a woman's mesothelioma. This case expands the potential sources of asbestos exposure and emphasizes the need for consumer awareness.

Taking action: Don't face this alone

A diagnosis of mesothelioma or asbestos-related lung cancer can feel overwhelming. The medical and legal complexities can be daunting, but you don't have to face them alone. Numerous resources exist to guide you through this challenging time.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed, don't wait. Time is of the essence in pursuing compensation and exploring all available options. 

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By filling out the form on this page, you can take the first step towards securing the support and resources you need. There's no obligation, but it can be a crucial step towards securing the compensation you deserve. Don't hesitate – take action today.


Mass torts vs. class actions at a glance

When we're talking about mass tort and class action lawsuits, we're discussing two distinct legal approaches used to handle claims where many individuals are harmed by the same entity or event.

Mass tort lawsuits are a way to handle legal cases where many individuals have been harmed, but each person's situation is distinct. Think of it like a neighborhood where every house has different damage after a storm. In a mass tort, each homeowner would file their own lawsuit, but because the storm is the common factor, the court groups the lawsuits together to manage them more efficiently. The key here is that each person retains their own case and has a say in how it's settled, which reflects their unique damages.

In contrast, class action lawsuits and class action settlements bring people together under a single legal action. It's as if the whole neighborhood decided to sue the storm together, with one or a few neighbors representing everyone's interests. Here, individual control is limited. The representative, known as the lead plaintiff, along with their legal team, makes decisions that affect the entire group. When it comes to the payout, it's typically split evenly, or based on a formula that applies to all members.

What's best for you?

Let's quickly sum up the main points to help you decide which legal route could work better for your situation:

  • Control: More personal control in mass torts; limited control in class actions.
  • Compensation: Individualized in mass torts; uniform in class actions.
  • Applicability: Mass torts fit for varied individual damages; class actions for uniform damages across the group.
  • Efficiency: Class actions can be quicker and use fewer resources by combining claims.

So, if you're part of a group that's been wronged and you're thinking about legal action, consider these points. Do you need to maintain control over your case, or are you okay with a representative taking the lead? Do your damages require individual attention, or are they similar enough to others to share in a collective claim? Your answers will help determine whether a mass tort or a class action is the best route for your situation.

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Our Mission at Injury Claims

Injury Claims keeps you informed about lawsuits large and small that could affect your daily life. We simplify the complexities of class actions lawsuits, open class action settlements, mass torts, and individual cases to ensure you understand how these legal matters could impact your rights and interests.

Legal Updates That Matter to You

If you think a recent legal case might affect you, action is required. Select a class action lawsuit or class action settlement, share your details, and connect with a qualified attorney who will explain your legal options and assist in pursuing any compensation due. Take the first step now to secure your rights.

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