BlendJet2 in a Blend of Trouble: Popular Portable Blender Faces Heat in Class Action Lawsuit

blue BlendJet2 portable blender

BlendJet2 Lawsuit: Safety Concerns Raised Over Broken Blades & Overheating

If you're a health-conscious smoothie lover who enjoys whipping up concoctions with your BlendJet2 portable blender, you might want to hold off on that next blend. A recent class action lawsuit is raising eyebrows (and concerns) about the safety and functionality of this popular product.

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From Blended Goodness to Potential Safety Hazards?

Tommy Gould of Illinois filed a lawsuit alleging that the BlendJet2 may be a dangerous safety hazard. The core of the complaint centers around the blades, which Gould claims can shatter and detach during regular use.

"The blades in the BlendJet2 blender shatter and completely detach causing pieces of the blending blades or the blade assembly shaft to break off during routine use. This causes serious safety hazards to users," the BlendJet lawsuit states.

Gould's complaint details his own experience with the BlendJet2. Shortly after purchase, the blades allegedly loosened and wouldn't secure, rendering the blender unusable. "Before the blades failed, he also found the blender worked poorly. It was unable to blend ice and other solid objects, like frozen berries," Gould claims. Fearing for his safety, he stopped using it and was unable to return it.

But the lawsuit goes beyond blade detachment. Gould further alleges that the charging cables for BlendJet2 can overheat and melt, potentially causing fires. He emphasizes that BlendJet may have been aware of these issues based on negative reviews and complaints filed with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), yet allegedly "concealed the danger at the point of sale."

Consumer Reports Match the Lawsuit's Claims

Despite its marketing claims of "Patented TurboJet technology" conquering any ingredient in seconds, the popular BlendJet2 portable blender has raised safety concerns. Consumer Reports findings align with a wave of complaints filed with the CPSC.

These reports detail worrying incidents of overheating, melted charging cables, and broken blades during regular use. Some complaints allege the blender's lithium-ion battery malfunctioned, with one instance resulting in a fire and property damage. The fire chief in that case reportedly identified the battery as the culprit.

The issue with broken blades is equally concerning. The CPSC complaints describe blades breaking off, with one user even fearing they might have swallowed a piece. Another report details a child fortunately discovering a broken blade fragment in their mouth before swallowing it through a straw.

Beyond Safety: Does BlendJet2 Deliver on Performance?

Safety is obviously a top concern, but the lawsuit goes beyond that. It also argues that BlendJet2 may not be living up to its advertised capabilities. The suit claims that the blender struggles with tasks like crushing ice and frozen fruit, which are often touted in BlendJet2's marketing materials. 

According to the complaint, "It does not perform as represented due to its poor quality. It is unfit for its primary intended purpose: blending ice, fruits, nuts, and vegetables." 

Seeking Justice and Safety for BlendJet2 Owners

Gould seeks to represent a nationwide class of consumers who purchased BlendJet2s for personal use within the past five years. By filing the lawsuit, he hopes to hold BlendJet accountables and is demanding:

  • A declaration that BlendJet2s are unsafe and unfit for their intended purpose.
  • A court order halting the manufacture, marketing, and sale of BlendJet2.
  • Corrective actions from BlendJet, including recalls, repairs, or replacements for existing blenders.
  • Financial compensation for consumers who purchased BlendJet2s.

Case Details

  • Lawsuit: Tommy Gould v. BlendJet Inc.
  • Case Number: 3:24-cv-1273
  • Court: U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois

Plaintiffs' Attorneys

  • Alexander A. Pabon (Smith, Gambrell & Russell LLP)
  • David C. Nelson (Nelson & Nelson, Attorneys at Law P.C.)
  • Stuart L. Cochran (Condon Tobin Sladek Thornton Nerenberg PLLC)
  • Britton D. Monts (The Monts Firm)

If you or a loved one experienced injury or property damage from using a BlendJet blender, you may be eligible for compensation. This can cover medical costs, emotional distress, lost wages, and more. Fill out the form on this page for a free case evaluation.

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