Did you pay for a real estate investment training program from Response Marketing? You may be eligible for a refund.
The FTC is sending payments totaling more than $10 million to 4,670 customers who paid Response Marketing for a deceptive real estate investment training program. The FTC and the Utah Division of Consumer Protection sued Response Marketing alleging that the company used celebrity endorsements and empty promises about earning big profits “flipping” houses to sell their bogus training programs.
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You can apply for a refund if you paid Response Marketing for real estate investment training programs and didn’t already get a refund. Claim numbers were sent by email and mail.
Settlement Amount
Claim Form Deadline
Exclusion Deadline (Opt-Out)
Final Approval Hearing
You can find answers to common questions about refund payments on our FAQ page.
We expect to mail payments for eligible claimants in 2025. When we have more information, we will update this page.
If you get a check, please cash it within 90 days.
If you get a PayPal payment, please accept it within 30 days.
The FTC is also sending claims forms to 392 people who previously filed a complaint about Response Marketing. If you get a letter or email with a claim number, you can file a claim online at secure.responsemarketinggrouprefund.com.
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